Coaching – What people say
“Patrick Hobbs is an exceptionally good coach - his style, depth and professionalism make all the difference!”
Isabell Hametner – HR Director, Mondelez, Switzerland & International
“Patrick is a phenomenal coach, insightful and engaging. Patrick’s breadth and depth of knowledge in his field is extraordinary and he is able to draw upon various tools to get to the heart of an issue. He is an excellent listener who is able is to ask the simplest yet most intuitive questions that make you stop in your tracks and really think about your purpose and objective. A very caring and genuinely interesting coach, Patrick is able to bring to life any issue and experiment in a safe environment to encourage people to grow. If you get the opportunity to work with Patrick, grab it. I'm confident he will prove to be an invaluable asset to you and your team. I know I’ve been enriched by the whole experience. Enjoy!”
Jane Seddon – Head of HR, BAE Systems, UK
“I have known Patrick professionally for a few years now, but I would also count him as a friend. We first met because I'm fortunate to work for a great company - Mondelez International - that invests in its leaders and believes you never stop learning. In 2012, Patrick was my executive coach and he helped make me a better person and a better leader. Since then we have re-connected on a number of projects. Patrick is caring and challenging; he provides an environment where you can safely explore your weaknesses, take risks and make tangible progress. He makes sure you commit and he won't let you off the hook! Now, when I'm not sure I think 'how would I approach this if I was discussing with Patrick' - and it always takes me to a better place.”
Sara Sizer – Senior Vice President Global Communications, Mondelez, Switzerland & Global
“Patrick is a great listener, with a unique ability to generate powerful insights out of our discussions. I have often been surprised by what he is able to point out: there is always in it a piece of discovery and food for thought and reflection. It really step-changed my level of self-awareness and helped me develop a much higher level of self-mastery and impact as a leader in my organisation. I am really grateful for what he brought to me as a person and as a leader, and feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to have him as a coach.”
Marc Vermeulen – Area Director & General Manager, Kraft Foods Belgium-Netherlands-Luxembourg
“…one of the most useful 45 mins blocks of time that I have spent for a long while. My Coach, Patrick, was excellent. He helped me restore a good relationship with one of my area managers and assisted me on how to improve relationships with my boss. The value of my area manager now delivering and possibly stopping them leaving the company is huge, and for the company this is worth thousands. It was a great use of my time.”
Kevin Plant – Regional Director and Board Member, Sainsbury’s Convenience, UK
“What you achieve in half an hour or 45 minutes... has been incredibly powerful for me in terms of helping me to do a better job as a leader... You get to the crux of an issue very quickly... It's been really, really useful... It saved a very important relationship, and it's given me tools I'll be able to use on a daily basis... We've come up with simple things I can do quickly and will make a difference straight away, and it's incredibly powerful..."
Kevin Plant
"My experience and journey working with Patrick have transformed my approach to both work and home life. Patrick's coaching style is flexible, responsive, challenging and delivers development and change. Underpinning all of this is his ability to listen, give you time to process your thoughts and coach you in a way that meets your unique needs, opening up areas of thought that are sometimes unexpected, but rich in the learnings and development that they can deliver. By working with Patrick I do believe I am a more skilled leader, colleague, employee, wife and mother."
Katie Cope – Marketing Director, Vaillant Group, UK & International
"It's been a deep journey for me. I don't think I've ever in my life been through such a process... I feel a different person and I'm much more at home in my role... I never felt you had a formula for me, I felt you were always listening and responding to what you were hearing."
Katie Cope
“You’ve put me in a brand, spanking new space and it’s brilliant… I’ve got what I need, I’ve got what I want… I feel I can go out and conquer…”
Rachel – corporate consultant, shifting career, UK
“Everyone who has the chance to benefit from Patrick's coaching will experience exceptional leadership growth and personal transformation. He is able to make you see things about yourself which others can't. Very personal, caring, mindful, skillful. A value creator in leadership coaching.”
Matthias Herzog – Senior Director, Mondelez, International
“The coaching has been amazing for me... What you’re especially good at is listening and processing the information and handing it back. I expected to be talked to and I’ve found myself rambling and the more I’ve rambled the more truths have wheeled out. For me personally it’s been fantastic.”
Bruce Vincent – Senior Vice-President and Head of Global Internal Audit, InterContinental Hotels Group, UK & global
“I have found this experience hugely valuable and very interesting. I have learnt a lot about myself and my motivations and values which I now recognise regularly as I go through my days. I really enjoyed working with Patrick, and his calm and considered style worked for me – he did challenge me out of my comfort zone, which was when it got interesting, but I could see that it was critical to the process.”
Aedamar Howlett – Country Director, Coca Cola, Republic of Ireland
“Working with the right coach is a very personal thing and relies on both parties engaging with absolute trust, integrity, honesty, and professionalism. From the very first call with Patrick I began an incredible journey of self-discovery and self-awareness which demonstrated his ability to deliver all of these. He has supported me and challenged me, he has helped me to move on and to move forwards, and he has had an invaluable and consistently positive effect on my professional and personal life. Patrick now plays an active part in my on-going career planning and will likely transcend my roles and employers - I couldn't recommend him enough if you are prepared to put into the process as much as you want to get out of it!”
Rob Curran – Director, Navigant Consulting, UK
“The coaching has helped me so much… walking down the street I feel I can make time slow down. I’ve never had anything like this in my career... what it's done for me is it's made me realise that when I'm performing at my best I'm doing things that come naturally to me... After the call with you I danced in the piazza in Covent Garden – a street musician started playing and asked people to dance, and I got up and danced…”
Rob Curran
“Working with Patrick has been a great privilege. He is an amazing coach and has accompanied me on a journey, sensitively and creatively, that changed my life. The journey has filled me with awe about how much is possible, regardless of the circumstances. The surprises are endless! What this means for my working life is that I feel free to lead and make sure we always have things to celebrate. Times are difficult and in lots of ways my job has become harder, yet doing it has become easier... through the coaching I am able to keep sight of the bigger picture and even the most complicated situations seem so much simpler.”
Ingrid Vlam – Director, Brandon Trust, UK
“Patrick is very adaptable and is able to also be very pragmatic, I particularly benefited from his incredible ability to ‘see’, the creative expression of which has a spiritual quality... I will always remain very grateful to Patrick for being prepared to accompany me on this journey, which involved very tricky terrain. No mountain was too high; no water too deep, no stone too heavy and Patrick had no obligation to travel with me on what was at times a precarious path. … My view of the world now, as a result of this co-creative process, is not only ‘whole’, but also inspired by awe and grace. My underlying values have not changed, but my actions are now far more driven by those values. This has influenced everything I do, not just my job. It has been life changing.”
Ingrid Vlam
“At first I was unsure as to how I would benefit from remote management coaching from a stranger but wow this concern soon got ‘kicked into touch’. Patrick has a thought-provoking style, powerfully using silence to ensure the coachee really digs deep and thinks of crucial business topics that need addressing and their solutions. Over three or four hours we both explored things I could do which would have a huge benefit both to me personally and to the business on a national scale. We debated and discussed many points but settled on tackling the issue of time management, creating additional space each week for blue sky thinking, eliminating meaningless tasks which required both I and my team’s time but rarely added value. Throughout this process Patrick brilliantly managed my pace and urgency for change allowing us to both agree on a timeplanner that focussed me daily on the important things, allowed me to tactically plan ahead and ensured I allowed time to be creative and deliver new sales processes on a national scale. The first of many is... a community bank referral and upskill framework that drives "seen appointment" levels to achieve new heroic goals. Early signs show encouraging uplifts, so much so that in week 2 after it landed an increased allocation value of £4 million was recorded in my network alone.”
Jason Simpson – Area Director & Region Head of Mortgages, London and South East, Lloyds Banking Group, UK
“This guy is really good!!! Patrick listens to the point where you feel he knows your inner thoughts, he probes and questions to ensure he knows that you are making the correct judgement call. I liked his warm and easy style and he really made me dig deep to get the answers I needed. I would recommend him to everyone...”
Jason Simpson
“You got me and you hit the nail on the head each time. It’s reduced to simplicity – you remember two or three things and focus on that… You hold a mirror in front of me and then it’s possible for me to change…”
Anke Penninx – Country Manager, Cadbury, Netherlands
“Having Patrick as my coach was a real pleasure. He enabled me to get clarity about what I wanted and encouraged me to take the actions I needed to take. I achieved my goals and he worked with me in a very respectful and gentle way. He is an awesome coach whom I can strongly recommend.”
Sarah – Managing Director, UK
“I’ve discovered a whole new landscape… the way I work with my managers is very different, I’ve changed one hundred per cent.
To me personally it's been invaluable and the value just keeps growing… The calls which I've found less valuable were when I didn't put in the preparation... I would recommend this to a colleague so long as they understood what is required of them - you get out what you put in.”
Laurent Marais – Europe Region Director, Royal Canin, France & International
“Patrick is an innovative coach who uses his skill and experience to encourage and motivate individuals to think differently and expand their horizons. I worked with Patrick over a 12 month period and his personable yet challenging manner made me reflect and question elements of my life, helped me to explore my thoughts, needs and life aims and prompted me to explore how to make the necessary changes a reality. I would recommend anyone who is facing a challenge or key decision point in their career to take the opportunity to work with Patrick and experience his great coaching ability.”
Michelle Green – Audit Director, Aviva, UK
“My coach was fantastic. He was supportive and prompted me to consider and change the status quo, my state of mind and 'learnt' negative behaviours. He worked with me in a flexible way to ensure that I was getting the best from the sessions and challenged me on an ongoing basis encouraging a status of continuous improvement… I have met or exceeded my development targets and have completely changed my life focus.”
Michelle Green
"I was fortunate enough to have 5 hours of coaching time with Patrick, having just moved into my first CFO role. Patrick really challenged me to reflect on how I wanted to be as a leader and helped me to deal with some of those difficult conversations that I was faced with. With Patrick's coaching I feel that I have been able to settle into my role quicker, more positively and ultimately have become a stronger leader."
Adrian Mewse, Chief Finance Officer – Lindt & Sprüngli, UK
“Really great, really impressive, this is exactly what I was looking for… This is amazing , this is very refreshing. This is very, very helpful.”
Francisco Pimentel – Director, Barclays Bank, Portugal
“By increasing the leadership quality, the same quality reflects immediately on the team, creating a more efficient interaction, enhancing the quality of the work and therefore promoting the sales activity. Because of the above, the team spirit grew and we've a more pleasant work place, that becomes evident for our organization and clients.”
Francisco Pimentel
“Patrick is a fantastic Coach! He is a great listener, very intuitive and excellent in identifying the essence of the issue. He knows the correct question to ask to get us to think deeply about ourselves and about our impact on others. After working with Patrick I can say I am a richer person, on both my personal and my professional side. Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity.”
Ana Covas – Head of Finance, Kraft Foods Portugal
“You help people to be better than they are”
Ana Covas
“Patrick is highly intuitive. He has a real gift for working with people at a deep level…”
S – Managing Director, UK and global
“Coached by Patrick I feel free to challenge myself, overcome my fears and experiment with the new in ways I could not do on my own. This enables me to develop both personally and professionally… He listens deeply and hears what matters, handing back to me what is of real value for me to use... In doing so, he is completely honest, open, perceptive, playful and rigorous. With clarity, integrity and respect he supports me in achieving my goals, and holds my interest sacred. He is an absolutely brilliant coach, one of the best I have met.”
D – Business Consultant, Italy & International
“Patrick has an ability to probe down to the root issues and this forced me, productively, to address these accordingly, rather than perhaps skirt around them. Based on my first experience of working with Patrick, this is precisely what I wanted/expected and he delivered. He has great listening and playback (with modification) skills. So much more valuable than speaking with a colleague or a friend - the independent, objective challenge to my thinking has been extremely positive and empowering… I’ve really enjoyed the chances to validate and challenge my thinking. It’s helped me enormously…”
Richard Vale – Global Sales Director, Navigant, UK & International
“A very positive experience of having someone ask the hard question... I really have valued the killer questions... It's forced me to be clear how I tackle the next few years. The magnificent cocktail of perfect timing, my need to make a material decision regarding my career and Patrick's understanding yet challenging coaching style was more powerful than the Vesper Martini supped by (James) Bond... In the context of my career, the process helped me to find my motivation and as a consequence I now have a new, very difficult role within the organisation, one which I find myself tackling with great energy and belief in a successful outcome. My wife is rather happy too, as she prefers being married to a highly motivated me as opposed to the grumpy demotivated alternative.”
Richard Vale
“Patrick is a highly skilled and empathetic coach with great versatility. Patrick's services were good value for money and I would not hesitate to engage him again should the need arise. Also simply a very good guy...”
Peter Williams – Enterprise Architect & Strategist, Hewlett Packard, UK & International
“My coaching helped me to handle a very challenging leadership relationship and environment. Without that I think the company would not have retained me as a member of the team. As well the coaching has helped me to help my team, who have been under pressure to perform and have managed to do so under very challenging circumstances… I was skeptical about talking to someone on the phone but actually it has been an extremely useful and positive interaction. It is amazing how much my coach was able to sense just from speaking.”
Susan Penwarden – Chief Underwriting Officer, Aviva, UK
“Patrick has been a fantastic coach over the last 18 months, his style worked brilliantly for me in that he gave me space to work things out for myself. He also gave me an abundance of brilliant hints and tips to help me look at things from a different perspective.”
Alistair Gaunt – Head of Customer Marketing, Cadbury, UK
“It’s been brilliant… a massive, massive insight… That coaching call was, in terms of understanding myself, the best forty-five minutes or an hour I’ve had in my life… The whole coaching process has been brilliant and I’ve hugely enjoyed it. I never felt you pushed me through a process, there’s been some structure but also time for me to work things out for myself. It has worked in so many dimensions and fundamentally it has unlocked and opened things up. From a career and professional perspective it has been a life-changing experience – some of the things we talked about will stay with me for years to come, and that’s a testament to your skills as a coach and the work we’ve done together. It’s quite incredible to be honest.”
Alistair Gaunt
“The skills I used yesterday I would not have used consciously or even been aware of 4 or 5 months ago… and even the vision of what I and we wanted I wouldn’t have had 5 months ago… Every coaching call has reinforced the message for me, and it’s the realisation I can actually be myself. I feel more comfortable, my decisions are better and clearer and my communication is more congruent and I can achieve results – I’ve got the results I wanted and I’ve done it with less stress… I know who I am and I have a much clearer sense who I am as a leader. I feel confident in who I am, it’s natural, it gets results, it’s wise… You’ve had the ability to understand me, you’ve managed to home in on my fears, my desires, you’ve got a way of picking up what’s important to me and when I’m not certain and asking the right question, forcing me to go to things I didn’t want to and address these things. This has made me a better person… All the results have been fantastic.”
Gregg Cole – Head of Sales Support, Vaillant Group, UK
“Patrick is a very gifted individual and has a rare gift of really listening to what you say and (just as importantly) what you don't say and helping you to explore that in a helpful, constructive way. He is also someone you can trust absolutely.”
I would very much recommend his skills.”
Ian Roberts – Risk Consultant, France
“Patrick's coaching has helped me see the direction I want to go in, to grow and stop feeling trapped by circumstances. He has an uncanny ability to hear and draw out what is really important to me. I would recommend him to anyone wanting to move forward in their life.”
L – entrepreneur, UK
“Great value. I have some tools to use and they are easy to use and effective. I have tried new strategies out and they have helped me both in reducing my stress and increasing my job satisfaction, but just as importantly getting results that I want from my managers and improving our relationships.”
Paul Bradley-Cong – Area Director, Brandon Trust, UK
"I’ve been getting very different feedback from my managers – they say the supervision they get from me is more relaxed, more enabling, more meaningful and their work is easier despite a heavier workload. For me it's been good, I felt very comfortable and safe with you... A range of things have changed... I'm bringing much more of me and I'm reminding myself of my beliefs, why I'm doing this. I'm allowing my natural humour and smiley-ness to come through... If I hadn't had this coaching it would have been easy for me sit with my systems and deliver things quite effectively but it wouldn't be going anywhere in the long run. This has given me some of the keys to unlocking my higher management potential.”
Paul Bradley-Cong
“Patrick has been fundamental in helping me overcome my fears and have the confidence to challenge the status quo and ultimately change my life around. His insight has made me a far happier person and transformed my perspective for the better. I can’t thank him enough!”
Sally Davies – Trading Manager, Online Grocery, Sainsbury’s, UK
"You have been very helpful. I just want to say thank you - look at how my life has changed and how I've transformed and you've been a massive part of helping me realise and change… I can live again now. You've helped in changing my life around."
Sally Davies
“Patrick coached me during a stressful and difficult time in my life. Even when I began the session in a really unproductive state of mind, he helped me tune into what lay behind that, and what positive choices I had. Being coached by Patrick was wonderful because of the quality of his listening, and his genuine engagement with my thoughts and feelings. His perceptiveness helped me see broader perspectives, and I utterly trusted him as my coach.”
P – business psychologist, UK
“Patrick gave me my first experience with executive coaching and completely removed any pre-conceived notions I had. Patrick is a great listener and creates open conversation that allows for speaking freely, never directive or judgemental. He truly understands culture aspects with regards to the British and the Dutch, which helps to segregate the excuse of cultural style differences from the differences in personal behaviour and interactions when representatives of these cultures work together. His approach includes very practical techniques to enhance the effectiveness of communication and interactions especially when using distant communication tools. I hugely value the experience… Patrick helped me to better reflect, put things in proper perspective and better understand my own personal and others’ behaviour and needs.”
Robert Rouwenhorst – Senior Vice-President & General Manager Food Systems, Tate & Lyle, UK & Global
“Patrick has been incredibly helpful in helping me work through a number of issues that have arisen in my work, from daily organizational practices to interpersonal communication to managing various tasks required of me. His coaching style is client centred, allowing me to think and work through my own issues by asking useful and probing questions as well as reorienting my conception of a situation or context into more helpful ones. I highly recommend his work.”
Dr Jason Pridmore – Assistant Professor, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands
“I wanted to say a huge thanks for your help over the year – I feel I moved my mind-set significantly and not only am I clearer on what I want, but I’m much clearer on what I can do to manage how I come across and effect change.”
Mark Wallace – Commercial Development Director, Coca Cola, UK & International
“Patrick is a hugely intuitive coach who always manages to read below the surface and create really significant awarenesses…”
Y – business adventurer and entrepreneur, South Africa
“I had the real privilege to have Patrick Hobbs as my coach... I approached the first coaching session with a moderate level of skepticism. He was able to really read me through quickly in the very beginning, spot the things that I need to work on, with that he won my trust and the conversations we had were really powerful and impactful for me. I took important decisions and made critical adjustments in my behavior and way of thinking which started producing the expected positive results. I think because of the reach of the insightful discussions we had in those 6 sessions, 1 hour each, and the impact they had on me, I really feel like we have spent much more time together... I really appreciate the premium quality of coaching from Patrick…”
Emanuil Kupenov – Procurement Director, Mondelez, Switzerland & International
“Patrick has a fantastic ability to connect, give meaningful insight and motivate, all in short periods of time and on the telephone! I have had a fantastic experience working with Patrick over the last 9 months and have no hesitation in recommending him as someone to help you discover yourself and make progress in developing as a leader. Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity.”
Steve Hills – Head of Manufacturing, Cadbury/Kraft, UK
“I was touched by your honesty and by your challenge. It was supportive, safe and very powerful… uncovering what things mean to me, why do I want this… Your insights and intuition and your honesty in sharing have led me to so many insights.”
S – entrepreneur building new life and new business , Republic of Ireland
“The coaching has been great... the insightful questioning you've done has been high quality, top-level, it’s opened things up... And what you've given me has been very helpful in my daily role..."
Tony Puri – Global Supply Chain Director, Cadbury, USA & global
“Patrick was very supportive, intuitive and full of insight. He was sensitive and held what was important to me. Through his gentle spirit and powerful questions I achieved a level of clarity I would not have achieved without him.”
N – Company Vice-President, UK-Bermuda-USA
“I thought ‘He gets me, Patrick gets me, he’s hearing everything I’ve said and the things I’ve not said he’s pulled out and he’s come back with real insight, he’s taken me on board and and he’s really heard what’s there, what matters…”
Mark Whitehouse – Head of IT Finance, Cadbury, UK & International
“These calls have been great. You showed me how I can make my time with my team effective... I thought I couldn't do this and I can…”
Phil Greenhalgh – Field Sales Director, Cadbury, UK
“Patrick is great in building a relationship of trust within a short period of time and getting to the bottom of the issue quickly. Great at listening and has a huge repertoire of methods and tools to draw upon. Deep expertise in Coaching. A pleasure to have as a supporter! Top qualities: Personable, Good Value, High Integrity.”
Andrea Kain – HR Director for Global Effectiveness, Kraft, Switzerland & global
“Everything was tumbling around in my head in a messy way, and by the end of the conversation it was all clear”
Nicoletta Papakyprianou – HR Director, Central & Eastern Europe Middle East & Africa, Thomson-Reuters
“The coaching has been a springboard for me. It’s been a fantastic process, it’s enabled me to have a vision for our school and we’ve now got a joint vision… It’s been very very worthwhile… and my people keep saying ‘You ought to do more of that because you always come back enthused’…”
Dave Millward – Project Manager and Chair of School Governors, UK
“Very interesting and incredibly helpful experience during which I learned a lot about myself. Patrick is an amazing coach, very supportive. I would recommend him to anybody.”
Marianna Kruczek – Manager, Fidelity Investments, UK & International
“Patrick quickly establishes trust and great rapport. Through amazing questioning techniques and his ability to see the big picture, Patrick has led me to the kind of lightbulb moments that have a very permanent impact. He is great value for money and thoroughly recommended. Top qualities: Great Results, Good Value, High Integrity..”
Darren Laurie – Head of Sales, Mouchel, UK
“Patrick is a fantastic career coach. He uses a number of innovative tools and techniques to help you to get to the bottom of the areas that you want to address in order to move your career forward.”
Joe Garrod – Associate Director, Navigant Consulting, UK
“I didn’t have a clear idea of what I was getting from my job… What do I enjoy? What don’t I enjoy? What motivates me?... Coaching helped me see what I enjoyed and what I didn’t, helped me get perspective and changed the way I thought about my job – what am I doing now and why am I enjoying it? It changed my focus on what I was doing each day and changed the way I did my job. I began to focus more on what I enjoyed, I started enjoying the moment… It gave me criteria for assessing career options. It really helped me get clear what the options were and make a decision and articulate that decision to other people. It made me break down my thinking about issues, identifying good points and bad points of a job and a choice. It made me think, and didn’t let me get out of things, to give impersonal answers. It made me get to the heart of the question, the heart of my feelings. It helped me to prioritise and really identify what was important. I stayed with (my partner) and our relationship deepened. I decided not to go to (another country) but kept it in the picture, I’m working more effectively and I have a lot of thinking tools I can take away and transfer… You helped me see what is really important to me. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be in London today, seeing (my partner) tonight It’s had a huge impact…”
R – Teacher, Teach First, UK
“The overriding change I’ve discovered in myself is self-belief, I have the odd wobble but I now also have coping mechanisms for that thanks to Patrick. The programme was very powerful for me, I think because of where I was in my life and how far I’ve come. This is due in part to the work with Patrick and part down to me but combined it really feels incredibly liberating…”
Angela Harding – Brand Consultant, UK & international
“I would like to thank Patrick for the talks we had. I appreciated him and the way he communicated with me very, very much.
✓Very trustful person.
✓The atmosphere was always very comfortable. Patrick has a gift to make an atmosphere where I felt comfortable.
✓I always felt like having enough space.
✓The discussion always came to the point within the content of the 360. The discussion we had was always very constructive. It was important for me to understand what he is talking about and I always did.
✓The way of approaching is clear but at the same time very sensitive.
✓Patrick’s way of analyzing, talking, listening and explaining always created a great atmosphere of full understanding, full commitment in what he does and says, full trust.
After every meeting with Patrick I felt very good.
I am very happy I could have the 360 feedback session with Patrick. I can only recommend him and appreciated every hour of talk with him. Thanks a lot and best regards, Alexandra.”
Alexandra Kormalis – Trade Marketing Manager, Kraft, Switzerland
“It’s been brilliant, I’ve got so much from it, I’ve learned so much… In its purest sense I’ve been given the tools and resources within my mind to feel confident and comfortable in front of people again, in presenting and in general with people. I now feel very resourceful – it’s much less of an effort, less worrying about what’s going to happen and more thinking about what is going to happen, and I’m just going to be me. It’s been brilliant, I’m a different person, I’ve become more of who I am, who I knew I was and didn’t feel I could bring out…”
Hannah Parnham – Management Development Consultant, Sainsburys, UK
"I’m amazed. I'm amazed that so many things come just through talking and bringing them into consciousness and it's a tremendous help..."
Ralph Reinhardt – Project Director, Kraft, Switzerland & Global
"A really refreshing and rejuvenating experience. Thank you for your insights and challenge. I'm in a very different place from where I was when the coaching started..."
Michael Clarke – Junior Partner, McKinsey, UK & International
“I have got a mountain of work ahead of me and the tools to get it done and I am raring to go... I have found these conversations very personal and therefore very helpful – it has been incredibly helpful and the outcomes have been very valuable.”
Chris Kahts – Head of Risk, Barclays Wealth, Switzerland
"Patrick coached with such delicacy that he seemed to be able to follow and guide however unclear and untested my thoughts were. He held up a non-judgemental mirror for me and helped me stand back, clarify my thoughts and start to treat my feelings with the same care and respect he gave me."
P – International Humanitarian Consultant, UK & International
“Patrick has an ability to see the overall picture with 360 degree vision and at the same time focus with 3-dimensional precision on the details that matter. In a short time his patient coaching helped me to create the space for a new way of working and living…”
J – artist and business-owner, Italy
“You’re so skilful in the way you work. You ask great questions and I feel really heard and understood, so understood.”
Kevin Robb – Head of Operations and Planning, Sainsburys Convenience, UK
“I began coaching with Patrick at a crucial point in my life. After a significant period of turmoil and change I was feeling stuck about how to ‘pick up the pieces’ and move forward with my life. Patrick was incredibly intuitive in our work together and absolutely met my needs in our coaching conversations. He was non-judgemental, respectful, supportive and challenging in helping me to make sense of things and get to the heart of what was really stopping me move forward. He responded to my style of thinking and reflecting in a way which meant I felt really understood and validated as a person…”
Louise McAlmont – Business Coach, UK
“It’s your ability to get me to find my own solutions – what I appreciate is you being able to provide the context and that nudge towards me finding my own solutions. You catch what is important – it’s a complete conversation”
Richard Bardsley – Development Director, Kraft, UK & Global
“I can highly recommend Patrick as an excellent coach whom I've had the pleasure to work with over the past few months... He has enabled me to understand much more about how to analyse and improve communications in respect to leadership without "telling" me how to do it, but instead allowing me to learn through conversation. Fantastic job Patrick, thank you very much. Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity.”
Richard Sainsbury – Industrial Engineering Manager, Vaillant, UK
“You simply put some sort of a mirror in front of me and made me aware… It was far more valuable than I could have expected… a big, big, big step forward in knowing myself as a person, to have a mirror in front of me, and to be not afraid in doing this... I know myself more and know what I have to do to improve myself to get things done, a big help to my self-confidence - I don't have to play the victim or the one who tries to avoid conflict, and the conflict is not about winning and losing, it's about winning and winning, and you get more respect if you resolve conflict... I can do it!"
Dennis Van Eeten – Innovation Manager, Netherlands
“A really refreshing and rejuvenating experience. Thank you for your insights and challenge. I'm in a very different place from where I was when the coaching started..."
Michael Clarke – Junior Partner, McKinsey, UK & International
“As a result of the coaching I’m communicating far more clearly, it’s drastically improved… The coaching has helped make me a stronger person.”
Esther Khoo – HR Manager, Fonterra, Singapore & International
“Patrick and I were on the same wavelength… and instead of all the time thinking about other people, I've been able to take some time thinking about myself... I’m beginning to see what’s important to me in my job. My outlook has changed, it's broader and I'm beating myself up less..."
Iain McCall – Area Director, Lloyds Banking Group, UK
“I have had years of personal development and therapy, and this coaching brought shifts that nothing else ever did…”
L – Client, UK
“I’m learning a lot. You’re giving me very good advice, and it’s making a difference. It’s making my professional life easier, it’s helping me organize my team, my work and how I think and feel, and I feel a better professional person.”
Bassam Fares – Director, Barclays Wealth, Switzerland & Latin America
“I’ve found these calls very beneficial. You’ve been immense for me. At the start I wasn’t too sure… but I’d recommend this to anybody… You’ve listened so well, challenged and supported me. It’s been immensely beneficial…”
Kevin Morton – Store Manager, Sainsburys, UK
“For me the coaching was perfect… The coach calls have changed me as a person.”
Audrey Vermeij – Graphic Designer, Netherlands
“My self-confidence in my abilities to influence others has rocketed and I'm seeing the result, both in my interactions with senior managers and my promotion which I don't think I would have got without my coaching!”
Claire Jenkin – Senior Manager, UK
"Your coaching really meant a step change for me... What I've learned is now part of me... how to deal with conflict, how to be more assertive, I know what to do and I want to go for it... I feel more confident, saying what I think and what I want, being open to discuss things so we can really make changes... I used to have excuses in my mind why I couldn't do things but now I feel much more positive, I can speak up and change something..."
Janet Van Den Broek – Financial Operations Manager, Netherlands
“I have had the chance to have Patrick as a coach for nearly a year of time. Patrick has all the talents of a gifted, expert coach: great listener, intuitive, creative, adaptable, tenacious in supporting you to understand yourself better and get the best of out it. More than recommending Patrick, I thank him for the work we have done together, and hope I will have a chance to work with him again in a near future.”
Cecile Angrand – Innovation Manager, Kraft, Switzerland & International
“I discovered new ways of applying and seeing things that I had not imagined to be possible by being coached on the phone. I will be instinctively aware of how to deal with situations and resolve them."
K – Head of Leadership Development, Germany & International
“At the end of this coaching I know where I'm at. I know I don't have to be a corporate animal..The lights have gone on, and you've facilitated this in a way that's made sense for me..."
Debbie Waters – Director, NHS South West, UK